High School Guidance
District Comprehensive Guidance Plan:
Click Here to View Plan
Academic Resources
CAP Courses – How to earn college credit in high school. Courses offered: English, Government and Economics, Algebra 2/Trigonometry, Calculus
Graduation Requirements- General education and diploma requirements. Students need 5 H.S. credits to be in 10th grade homeroom, 10 credits to be in 11th grade homeroom, and 15 credits to be in 12th grade homeroom.
National Honor Society- The national NHS site
Regents Prep - For practicing regents questions
Diploma Types- A link to New York State Diploma Types
Programs for Students 9-12
Champlain Valley Educational Services -CV-Tec -Check out Career and Technical Programs at CV-Tec in Plattsburgh including programs in Aviation and New Visions Medical program. Also links to adult programs and online course offerings.
Upward Bound – A program focused on serving first generation college students which has a six week summer component, tutoring, college visits and community service opportunities. For more information go to www.ubplattsburgh.org
Career Resources
Job Interview- Review sample questions, tips, and techniques for a job interview
Resume-Information on how to create a resume, provides templates
Personal/Social Resources:
Suicide-Prevention, warning signs and intervention information
Depression-Information about depression in teens
Healthy Relationships- Information about healthy vs. unhealthy relationships
Substance Abuse -Information about substance abuse and the effects of drugs and alcohol
Self-Injurious Behavior - Information on self-harm
Teenagers Today- Information for parents about different issues facing teenagers