September 1, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our students back to school and hope that all of your families had a safe and enjoyable summer. Below I have listed some important information for the start of the 2021-2022 school year.
- First day of school for students is Tuesday, September 7.
- Masks will need to be worn on the bus and in the school buildings.
- Student drop off is at 8:10am and pick up is at 2:15pm. All students dropped off must be accompanied by an adult to the Main Entrance.
- At morning arrival and dismissal students riding the bus will be escorted by their teacher in and out of the building.
- Bus notes that require a change in a student’s primary bus will not be accepted during this school year. If your child needs to be picked up somewhere other than home for their primary bus, please contact the transportation department to let them know as soon as possible.
- Daily temperature checks will be done on all students as they enter the building daily.
- Breakfast and lunches will be provided at no charge to all students.
- Again this year, our entire school will be a peanut and tree nut free environment. All meals will be eaten in the classroom to maintain social distancing. Parents will need to refrain from sending in any items for lunch or snack that contain peanuts, peanut butter or tree nuts. This is an effort to maintain a healthy, safe environment.
It is our hope that this information will help you and your child(ren) with the start of this new school year. If you have any questions, contact the main office.
With Bobcat Pride,
Lisa M. Silver, Ed.D.
Elementary Principal