
Preparing students for life-long learning, informed decision-making, a love of reading, and the use of information technologies.1

Library OPALS catalog

OPALS is an online database to organize and help staff and students locate print resources in our library.  Additional resources such as DVDs, audiobooks, e-books and digital pathfinders are also part of the OPALS database.

Click the link to check the status of a print book or download an e-book or audiobook! (See e-book directions below)

DanceMat Typing

Getting started with Sora

Use the SORA app or go to and search for our school (we are part of Champlain Valley Educational Services). Log in with your school Google account. For more detailed instructions, click here

1 From the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Standards for the 21st Century Learner
2 Infographic via AASL at: 

Because everyone is a learner

OUR LIBRARY staff and resources:

  • Support the school curriculum and Common Core standards

  • Reinforce classroom instruction through collaboration with classroom teachers

  • Foster a love of reading and the written and spoken word

  • Provide technology instruction and an active learning environment

  • Teach information literacy and cultivate independent, 21st century learners

Library Hours:
8:05 am-2:30 pm Monday through Friday

Students are welcome to visit the library from 8:05-8:30 am each day for book exchange or for help selecting resources, subject to classroom teacher guidance.   NAE students visit the library once per 6-day cycle with their class during a regularly-scheduled library class time.

​Library Staff:

  • Mrs. Anne Werley Smallman, Librarian

  • Mrs. Noelle Trombley, Library Aide