Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Marisol Dobbertin
Spanish Teacher
Middle School Teacher
Janice Marlow- Santamore
6th Grade Teacher
Middle School Teacher
Mara Ryan
4th Grade Special Education Teacher
Elementary Teacher
Daniel Scott
Director of Facilities II
Buildings and Grounds
518-594-3962 x7
Brian Tousignant
District Business Administrator
Business Office
518-594-3962 x6
Sandy Dominic
District Treasurer
District Office
518-594-3962 x 2601
James Knight
District Superintendent
District Office
518-594-3962 x8
Brittany LaBombard
Confidential Secretary to the Superintendent and Board of Education District Clerk
District Office
518-594-3962 x8
Lisa Silver
Elementary School Principal
Elementary Administration
518-594-3962 x1
Chris Brudvig
Elementary Guidance Counselor
Elementary Guidance
518-594-3962 x1
Anne Smallman
Library Media Specialist
Elementary Library
518-594-3962 x1
Brian Baker
Music Teacher
Elementary Music
518-594-3962 x1
Al Pageau
Registered Nurse
Elementary Nurse
518-594-3962 x1
Nate Bilow
Physical Education Teacher
Elementary Physical Education
518-594-3962 x1
Warren "Pete" Patterson
Physical Education Teacher
Elementary Physical Education
518-594-3962 x1
Leslie Thayer
Title 1 Reading Teacher
Elementary Reading
518-594-3962 x1
Rebecca Trombley
Title 1 Reading Teacher
Elementary Reading
518-594-3962 x1
Kelley Manor
5th grade Special Education Teacher
Elementary Special Education
518-594-3962 x1
Laura Phillips
Special Education Teacher
Elementary Special Education
518-594-3962 x1
Arleigh Lafountain
Speech/Language Pathologist
Elementary Speech
518-594-3962 x1